Vision & Values
Vision = A future image of possibility.
Values = A set of principles and behaviours needed to achieve the vision.
A Kornferry/Hay report showed that the behaviours of a leadership team can have a 60% impact on culture and that culture in turn has a +/- 25% impact on profit and loss.
I’m sure you are not.
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” as Peter Drucker said. This is why the Vision and Values of a business are so important. They inform the culture.
Developing a Vision that people can get behind unites all in a common purpose and automatically aligns people to collaborate and achieve great things. Some of the vision statements that Seachange Now has developed with our clients include -
- Number one pet food company to work with
- To be the most customer obsessed team in the world
- Being courageous agents of change to deliver the most useful services to our customers
All these Visions had evidence points defining what would equal success. Such as -
- To be the number 1 marketing team in Ireland
- To grow the business by 1 billion euro
- To climb 20 places in the RepTrack (reputation tracking)
Once the Vision is agreed upon, the Values identify the behaviours that are required to achieve the Vision. Values are behaviours - they are a guidance system to encourage positive behaviours and remove negative ones. Client values that we’ve helped to identify include -
- SOFI - Supportive, Obsessed, Focused, Inspirational
- 4 x Ps - Be Proud, Be Positive, Support People, Think Possibility
- Creativity, Culture, Community
When these values are brought to life they help everyone in the business to demonstrate those qualities which in turn drives the business forward towards the vision.
Where vision and values already exist in a business our expert facilitators often work to bring them to life through workshops, town halls and interactive sessions. These create energy and awareness but most importantly link and label the activity that a person is doing to the achievement of the Vision and ensure that their behaviour is linked to the Values.
If you invest in vision and value work expect to see -
- Increased engagement scores (clarity, happiness, support…)
- Talent retention and attraction
- An energised and continual conversation about ‘better’
- Strategic alignment
- Increased growth and profit
In a nutshell, vision and values give every person in the business a common end goal and a set of behaviours to get there.
Top Tip!: Don’t start with this work unless the leadership team are 100% committed to the vision and values. It’s a top down thing…
Talk to our expert facilitators today about helping you define your vision and values -